How much is FUTMINNA School Fees 2024/2025 [New Update]

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The FUTMINNA school fees scheduled for all undergraduate students have been released by the management. All prospective students of Federal University of Technology, Minna should continue reading this article to see the newly released school fees for the 2024/2025 academic session.

As we already know that Federal University of Technology (FUTMINNA) is the top leading university of technology in Nigeria and has been rank several times for academic excellence. The school fees scheduled for Federal University of Technology is for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

In this article we shall see the new approved school fees and how you can pay these fees scheduled for Federal University of Technology  Minna, Nigeria State.

FUTMINNA School Fees 2024/2025 Academic Session

The management of Federal University of Technology, Minna has officially announced the school fees scheduled for the 2024/2025 academic session. FUTMINNA School Fees is released for the continuation of their academic activities. The school fees scheduled for Federal University of Technology (FUTMINNA) range from N83,000.

FUTMINNA School Fees for All Courses 2024/2025

Below is the official school fees scheduled for all the undergraduate courses in Federal University of Technology, Minna. The school fees schedule for Federal University of Technology, Minna for all undergraduate and postgraduate courses range from N83,000.00 and above. If you want to study any course such as Engineering in Federal University of Technology, Minna the above fee is your registration fees.

FUTMINNA School Fees for All New Students

We have broken down the school fees for all the newly admitted undergraduate students of Federal University of Technology, Minna and compute it into the tabular form below.

1 Tuition 35,000.00 800
2 Acceptance 5,000 300.00
3 Caution Deposit 1,000.00 100.00
4 Sports Games 1000 800
5 I.D Card 1,000.00 500.00
6 Examination Fee 2,500.00 2,000.00
7 Medical Services 1,000.00 1,000.00
8 Library Charges 3,000.00 3,000.00
9 Laboratory Charges Consumables 4,000.00 3,000.00
10 ICT Facility 5,000.00 5,000.00
11 Student Handbook 500.00 500.00
12 Maintainance of Facility 3,000.00 3,000.00
13 Registration Fee 10,000.00 7,000.00
14 Development Levy 7,000.00 7,000.00
15 Nationnal Health Insurance Scheme 3,000.00 5,000.00
16 X-Ray 1,000.00 1,000.00
TOTAL 83,000.00 40,000+$1000

How to Pay FUTMINNA School Fees?

There is only one way in which you can pay Federal University of Technology Minna school fees. These methods of paying FUTMINNA school fees is through the bursary online payment portal. Below is the steps to follow when paying Federal University of Technology, Minna school fees.

  • Visit FUTMINNA official portal through
  • Login with your details such as your email/students ID address and password.
  • Click on submit.
  • Follow the remaining instructions to pay your school fees successfully.
  • If you already forget about your password, you can click on forgetting password to generate new password for yourself.

In the Federal University of Technology, Minna bursary online payment you can also pay for the following:

  • Undergraduate Certificate.
  • Statement of Result.
  • Postgraduate certificate.
  • Renewal of association.
  • Replacement of Staff identity card etc.


I know how happy you are to see that Federal University of Technology, Minna school fees is not that cost to other universities of Technology. Despite being ranked as one of the best universities in Nigeria, the management of this prestigious university still makes their fees to be affordable by all its students. Important review on Federal University of Technology Minna;

  • Students are not required to pay their school fees lately.
  • Late payment of school may lead to extra charges from the management.

FAQs:- Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the School Fees for FUTMINNA?

The school fees scheduled for Federal University of Technology, Minna range from N83,000 and it is for all Nigerian citizens. Foreigner students of FUTMINNA have their own specific fees that are different to Nigeria students.

How much is FUTMINNA Acceptance Fee?

The acceptance fees for all the undergraduate students of Federal University of Technology, Minna range from N20,000. You are required to pay your acceptance fee first before proceeding to pay your registration fee which is your school fees. The acceptance fee is the same to both candidates who gain admission through JAMB or Direct Entry (DE).


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This is the end of this article about Federal University of Technology (FUTMINNA) school fees. If you have any questions or updates regarding FUTMINNA registration fee you can make use of the comment section. Help us to share this article with your fellow students.

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Author: Admin

Hi! I am Habibullah BG the editor and author of this Educational website. A dedicated student who offers quality knowledge on educational matters, scholarships and sharing of relevant school news.
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